A Look At Mold Exposure And Its Psychological Effect

Many people are aware of the fact that mold tends to affect the overall health of the individuals in different ways. Generally, the most common issues associated with mold exposure include nausea, blurred vision, allergy symptoms and sickness etc. What people do not know is that when they are exposed to mold over a period […]

Essentials You Should Know About Indoor Mold Removal

What exactly are indoor molds and where do they commonly thrive? Well, these substances can go anywhere right inside your home and build in your shower curtains, on wet surfaces and your kitchen sinks. They can also hide in dark places where there is less exposure to sunlight. Whilst you think that all indoor molds […]

Do You Know The Leading Sources Of Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution is a problem that can infest one home to another with every room compromised in many instances. The causes may vary though but what makes it so dangerous is the fact that its effects can accumulate in levels that are dangerous enough to harm your health. With poor air quality entering your […]

Health Effects Of Indoor Molds And How You Can Rid Them

Before getting down to the health effects of indoor molds, it would be best to know what molds are. Molds are defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors. It appears velvety, granular, cottony or leathery and come in any shape or color and with […]

How Can You Protect Yourself During A Mold Inspection

A mold inspection in Mississauga involves a thorough ocular examination of obvious and possible mold locations. This holds true in moist areas such as drain pans, leaks in duct works, carpets, bathroom and kitchen tiles, ceilings and even paper. HVAC system is also a breeding place for molds. More often than not, the development of […]

Dealing with Mold: Can You Win?

It may seem to be an impossible problem, once the black mold starts to infect rooms in your home, you may not know exactly what to do and how to get rid of it. The natural reaction is to sponge the areas down with some disinfectant and cleaner and hope that it will go away. […]

Make A Counter Attack On Mold In Your Home!

When it comes to mold, the walls of the bathroom and kitchen are the most at risk. The steam generated from showers and hot baths contributes to the formation of spots that usually prefer the corners of the ceiling and then spread on the walls. In this regard it is best to install a fan […]

Mold Understand It Prepare And Destroy It At The Source

What causes mold in your home? Well the simple answer is that many times, your home is too well sealed and your heating system is quite efficient. But add ineffective ventilation and walls that are not well insulated from internal and external damp and you have created the perfect conditions to welcome mold into your […]

Preventing Mold Growth In Your Home

Mold removal is something that is not as easy as it sounds. It takes something more than a bathroom cleaner or bleach to clean the infected area from this wrath. The worst part about household mold is that it is not only limited to bathroom and basements. It can also grow inside the walls, in […]

I Bet You Didn’t Know All The Different Types Of Mold Found In Homes!

There are different types of mold that found in homes that many homeowners do not know about. They can pose different health problems to the individuals. The experts are of the view that there are almost hundred different kinds of mold that can be present in a home. Some of the most common ones are […]