Mold Removal Contractors in Mississauga

Anyone who needs to get mold removed from their home will want to do so as quickly as possible, because if mold is left untreated too long, it can become quite dangerous to one’s health. Black mold for instance, can be very hazardous to your health if it is left to grow in an enclosed […]

Cold Walls and Mold Growth

Mold growth on baseboards

This is the time of the year when mold can grow in your home due to cold outside walls. When cold meets hot you typically get condensation, moisture. The older homes in Toronto have minimal to no insulation in the walls which allows the walls to get cold when the outside temperatures drop. The warm […]

Mold Testing in Toronto

If you need to take advantage of mold testing services as soon as possible, it is highly recommended that you start looking around at some of the options which you are going to have in this area before making up your mind on anything in particular. You will find that with all of the different […]

Mold Removal in Toronto

When you are looking for mold removal services, it will be important to make sure that you take the time to see which businesses you will have to choose from before making your final decision. Because there are going to be so many different companies in your area alone that can provide you with the […]

Preventing Attic Mold in December

Frost in the Attic

It’s that time of the year when you should check the attic. Your goal is avoiding damage to your attic from Mold and Moisture. The colder winter mornings when you can see frost on your car and the neighbourhood roofs it’s time to look up into your attic for frost. Hot humid air escaping into […]

Bedroom Mold

Mold growth on baseboards

I’m surprised at the number of calls we’re getting for bedroom mold in June & July. Typically most of these calls are surface mold, mold growing on paint and dust, always behind a mattress, dresser or side table that hasn’t been moved for quite some time. I’m surprised because most of these bedroom mold calls […]

Mold and Real Estate

As a purchaser would you rather find mold before or after the real estate transaction went through? Not all mold infected homes have visible mold showing, in a lot of cases it’s hiding in the walls with only small tell tale signs of its existence. So I pose the question again, Would you rather find […]

Mold in the Basement

“It Smells like a Basement” We all know what that smells like, moldy, musty or earthy. The problem is it shouldn’t smell like anything and when it does we shouldn’t be spending any significant time down there. Unusual odours in the basement are your early warning signs of mold growth, don’t ignore them because it […]

Bathroom Mold and Mildew

Probably the most common Mold Inspection call to a home is for mold and mildew on the bathroom ceiling and around the bath tub. The cause is moisture of course, not just moisture but standing moisture that hasn’t evaporated in a timely fashion (with 30 minutes). Bathroom fans They should run during a shower and […]

Water and Mold in Your Basement

Spring has sprung and the rains are coming! This is the time of year many people come to realize that they have a basement leak. Either through a foundation wall crack or through the concrete as the waterproofing starts to fail. Once water starts entering the basement you will begin to smell musty, earthy odours […]